Today I thought I'd write a little about the first 6 weeks, of course I've already somewhat covered the first month, well, what I remembered of it as a sleep deprived Zomb-Dad so I will try not to repeat myself too much! Here are some of my highs and lows of the last 6 weeks!
I'll kick it off with one of my favourite moments, not just in the last week but one of those all time life moments that I'll always remember. There's no words to describe the feeling when I saw this face light up with a huge smile today :
I mean Willow has done little smirks from time to time and of course the 'windy smiles' which usually mean a funny smell and gooey mess to follow, but nothing like this. This is a smile, a HUGE smile and it made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world having her look right at me and be this happy. I guess me and Jodie are doing good in her eyes!
I also had a not so great moment in the last couple of weeks. I actually got pretty down the other day. Going from the first month where I was able to be here with the two girls all day. I then went back to work. 40 hours a week I spend away from my little girl and wife. I mean I should be used to it, I've worked since I was a teenager and it's the daily grind! But I honestly started to feel less like Dad. It's far too easy to feel like your losing touch I think, as a working parent I do feel like I miss out on parenting and special bonding time while I'm away, and I felt so out of touch with the whole thing only after 3 weeks back at work. But I talked to Jodie about it, she gave me the ego boost I needed, I needed to be more positive and confident, Willow would react accordingly and guess what? I won't say this too loud but, she was right! She's been an amazing Mum and Wife to me and Willow, she knows wayyyy more than I do and I'm thankful and lucky to have her as my partner in this whole adventure. (Collecting more brownie points)
Back to a positive!
Our girl is showing off her strength! From the day she was born she's had a pretty strong neck, especially when she wants to do that tired crying thing that makes me wonder how difficult baby life must be. You know being fed, changed and sleeping all the time, terrible right?
But this week we decided to introduce some tummy time with her, she's had the odd few moments before now but we didn't want to force her to develop before she was ready. Judging by this picture Jodie sent me at work, I think she's ready!
Another thing we've discovered, Willow has a huge appetite. We've had to go and buy some more bottles that were bigger than the little newborn ones we got, Willow made the move up to a 6oz feed this week and the small bottles couldn't keep up! I think Jodie was happy, we finally got to go and buy a load of pink bottles to replace the neutral colours we had when Willow was still a surprise baby gender. We are sticking with the Anti-Colic MAM bottles for now, they seem good for her and have a self sterilising feature which I've only just discovered after 6 weeks, bonus!
That's it for now as my little girl is about to wake up for her next feed, I think I'll have to start posting here daily just to keep a good record of everything that's happening. People always say things happen so quickly and they really do, so much happens in such a short space of time, it's easy to forget where we were a few weeks ago. I still love being a Dad, there's nothing better than having a new family and experiencing parenthood for the first time. So keep up, I'll try to do the same!
A Story From Dad
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