Monday, 8 May 2017

Back In Action!

Here we are sitting a day over the 19 week milestone with Willow. (I'm starting to wonder when we can stop counting the weeks and just say oh shes 4 and a half months! It's actually quite humorous trying to watch people work out the months by the number of weeks we come out with.)

Now it's been a pretty long time since I last wrote a piece, 11 weeks in fact, looking back at that 2 month mark like it was a subject in history class. Only this time, I was actually paying attention!

So much has happened in that time, too much to write in one post, so here's a recap:

Willow has gained to an impressive 16lb 4oz in weight! (Over double the birth weight, and wow are my arms feeling it)

We've had our first family holiday, first beach trip, first time swimming, first giggle (she's been laughing ever since) and almost a first tooth!

We've watched just about every episode of PJ Masks, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Miles from Tomorrow, theme tunes forever on repeat in my head. Willow loves the shapes and colours so it's all good! For the record, I've also personally watched Moana around 25 times, and not always when Willow was awake, but there's no complaints on that one either.

Without creating a huge list, we have basically spent the last couple of months taking in every morsel of our daughters life and cherishing out lives as parents, that mixed with a full time job and the need to still savour every moment of sleep has left me with not much time to really sit down and do this blog some justice, Now I feel we are becoming much more managed and organised, recently beginning a new routine for Willow which is working pretty well and getting more and more used to the whole life as parents.

So I'm ready to give it all another shot, I started this all to document my daughter's life and have something precious to look back on when it all seems to have gone so fast, so I'm going to document the *insert current nappy contents here* out of it, for her and for us as a family. These are the most amazing times to experience, and what an amazing experience it still is.

I recently got asked to guest post over at, which is a fantastic website for dads, new dads and dads to be, so I highly recommend a little brows through more of the material over there! I chose to write on the topic of "Fast Forward", it's all about how quickly the time goes when you become a parent, I feel it's even more relevant to this post! Anyway, that's all from me today, the sun is out and we're off for some shopping before my last shift of the week!

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